I’m so happy to see you! How was your day?
You got the promotion! Oh my gosh yay!
I know you don’t like wine so I got your favorite beer!
Of course you can crash on the couch - you’re always welcome here!
So what else is going on? Anything new?
By the way, I love that top - You look amazing in blue!
Should we have one more drink here? I could use one more!
Then we’ll go to the dive down the street and tear up the dance floor!
Remember that night we went to that crazy show?
They’re coming back next month - we have to go!
How’s your family? Is your dad feeling better?
And what about your sister? Did her and her ex get back together?
I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were going through that!
You deserve so much better and we have your back.
No! Don’t go! I wish you could stay!
Okay fineeee! Just let me know that you made it home okay.
We're so Iucky to have each other - I love this whole crew!
I hope you know, I'm so incredibly grateful for you.
