Well, we made it through one month of the new year... How's it going for you so far?
Since I am leaving a few things in 2020, I guess I have some room for new, healthy habits in the new year! So, in conjunction with my last blog, here are a few things that I'm gladly carrying into 2021:
(Continuing) to follow my gut: I only made one New Year's resolution last year and it was to follow my gut. Honestly, best decision I ever made. Instead of overthinking and letting my anxiety control my life, I just consistently did what felt natural in the heat of the moment. This lead to a lot of unforgettable moments, hilarious memories and incredible new relationships. So, I'm going to keep it going in 2021!
Actual rewards for accomplishments: I'm the To-Do List Queen. However, I have an unhealthy habit of rewarding myself with mediocre things. My inner monologue goes like this, "oh great, you checked something off your to-do list, now you can eat and/or relax." Yeah, no. I'm done with that. Eating or relaxing should not be a reward. In fact, I think a snack or a quick nap could actually lead to more productivity! So instead of depriving myself of these simple luxuries, I'm going to set attainable goals with greater rewards like a spa day, new home decor, a nice night of pampering myself etc.
Stretch more: There's not much to say about this one. I did yoga with a bunch of preschoolers a few days ago & I realized that I couldn't touch my toes anymore soooo I'm gonna work on my flexibility!
Invest in myself & my space: I have a really bad habit of saying "I'm okay, it's not that bad" in reference to almost any feeling I'm experiencing like hunger, dry skin, any health related issue, not being happy at work etc. But I slowly started to realize that these things are easy fixes if I just take the time to address the issue and ask for help! So this year, I'm going to try new recipes, add more steps to my skincare routine, schedule regular doctors visits and do work that actually brings me joy. Additionally, I've realized that I feel more stressed and overwhelmed when my home is messy which obviously means that I feel more at peace when my home is looking cute as hell. With that in mind, I'm also going to invest in my apartment by decorating, adding artwork, getting new kitchen appliances and decluttering whenever possible.
Expand on my creativity: I'm so incredibly happy to be writing again. It's a great way for me to feel productive and more at peace. But this year, I really want to broaden my horizons when it comes to creative projects. Maybe I'll write some fiction, paint a few things, brush up on an instrument (I used to be a pretty decent piano player), take a pottery class or just doodle a little bit more!
Speak up for what I want/need: Remember earlier in this post when I said that I tend to ignore basic issues that I'm experiencing? Yeah, it happens a lot in my personal life too. Like, a lot. For example, I was seeing this guy pretty casually for a few months and realized that we never went on an actual date. So I finally decided to speak up to him and say "you know what, it would make me really happy if you planned a date for us". Not only did it feel good to express what was on my mind, but it also made the relationship stronger! Being honest about my basic wants and needs gave me peace of mind and it also made me feel closer to the people around me... So yay we're gonna keep doing that!
Maybe I'll do some squats or go on a jog or something. Maybe.
Can you think of anything else I should add to this list? Let me know!
And just in case you needed a few more words of encouragement, here are some that I really like...

Instagram: morganharpernichols

Instagram: cupofcreative.co

Instagram: adoseofreminders

Instagram: alexelle